“Valley of Flowers”

Valley of Flowers is in Bhyunder Valley,within Nanda Devi biosphere reserve. It covers a vast expanse of 88 square Km, in the Western Himalayan region. The locals believe that the region is inhabited by fairies. The famous Valley finds a mention in our Vedic scriptures, too. Lord Hanuman brought the Sanjevani Boti from the Sumera Parvat to heal Lakshman when he was fatally wounded. The best perfumes of the world cannot surpass the sweet fragrance of the beautiful wildflowers, it’s a haven for not only botanist who come to find the rarest of the rare species of flowers growing in the meadows but for people who want a spark of adventure ,it’s a safe and untouched jewel, it was declared a national park in 1982 and is also regarded as a world heritage site.

The river at Bhyundar valley is fed by thousands of rains swollen streams tumbling down from some of the most remote and awe-inspiring corners of the Himalayan region. Dominating the scene, is the Nanda Devi, India’s second highest peak, regarded as a Goddess in her own right she shelters the Bhyundar Valley, one of the most magical places in Uttarakhand. Covered in snow for much of the year the valley is transformed into a dense wild garden. It’s truly blessed to be in a place like this, especially with the amount of deforestation and pollution, it reminds us that we humans are not happy with the materialistic world we are running after, its nature that ultimately gives us contentment.

Every day clouds wash over the meadows coaxing new blooms from the rich glacial soil.
Over 600 plant species have been found here, by the end of July a royal purple flower cloaks the valley. Through the short summer season, the valley is a buzz with activity. The colourful Monals can be seen, along with the small goat antelope, perfectly suited for the life in the rugged grassy hillsides.
The round huts of Van Guggars are the only sign of human inhabitation, they are tall simple people, with a herd of cattle grazing peacefully.

The profusion of meadow flowers provides the local hill people with one of the most treasured harvests, honey! In these remote valleys, virtually everything must be home grown.
Watered by mountain streams and warmed by the late summer sun, the valley of flowers is bursting with new life and who knows, maybe fairies have rightly chosen this as their eternal homeland.