Welcome to Uk Treks

UkTreks is unit of Comfort Tours and Travel.

UkTreks are a perfect getaway that you yearn for, Idyllic camps set deep inside hidden valleys, on top of the summits, a carpet of wildflowers dancing in the wind. We take you to a first-hand experience of sights and sounds which many have not yet chanced upon. Breathing free in the cool breeze of the Himalayas, you sense the brutally beautiful ever-changing landscape.

The whispering pines, the old oaks, the red rhododendrons, the undulating valleys & hills, with spectacular views, romanced by flaring sunset skies, the warmth of the bonfire, the bright blanket of the galaxies above, all sets your adventurous spirit on the roll, often without it, life is bereft of the so called, ‘ZING.’

Trekking life is real life, it’s not sugar-coated. There is immense joy in trekking and once you start it’s almost like an addiction. You get the freedom to be you and disconnect from the frills and clutter that we gather in life. We realise what our strengths are. We also realise what we have been seeking and which path to take from now on. Trekking is an unscripted experience without any timetable-each step might have a surprise. It teaches us not to crib and gently flow with the water called life without our own hinderances. Trekking takes you, as near as we can reach ,in this life time, to the one energy, that connects us all, which is in abundance in the purest form yet, as the greed of the human civilization has not touched it , it’s not only a physical experience but a spiritual awakening, too.